Seminar on "On-Chip THz Antennas", May 18th

On May 18th there will be a topical seminar on on-chip THz antenna. MARIE Researchers Prof. Daniel Erni, Dr. Andreas Rennings, Dr. Werner Prost and Prof. Safumi Suzuki will report and intensively discuss their current antenna  research following various approaches. The presentation time will be 15 minutes followed by 15 minutes of discussion.

Prof. Safumi Suzuki, Tokyo Institute of Technology, holds a Mercator Fellowship at the University of Duisburg-Essen and is a Guest of MARIE until July 15th, 2018. This seminar is one of his highly valuable contributions to MARIE.  

 Guests are very welcome.



CRC 196 MARIE Topical Seminar "On-Chip THz Antenna

Time:                            Friday, May 18th, 2018, 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Location:                      University Duisburg-Essen, Bismarckstr. 81, Duisburg, Room BA 349


09:00    Khaled Arzi          RTD/antenna integration

09:30    Besher Khani       Planar (sub-) millimetre wave antenna and coupling

10:00    Benedikt Sievert  Broad band spiral antenna

10:30    Safumi Suzuki     Antenna in antenna integration for injection locking:

                                         slot and bow tie